
'Honored and humbled' Harrisburg vet's flag now flies over American Legion

Ten years after his tour of Afghanistan, PFC Andrew Allen of Harrisburg watched with pride last week, as one of his special service American flags was hoisted up the pole outside American Legion Post 167.

This American flag was still pristine even after a decade, carefully preserved in Drew Allen's home. The flag flew over Afghanistan in a helicopter on Jan. 24, 2012 before it was given to him, along with a certificate of authenticity.

The flag was a gift from a special operations unit Allen's unit had done a service for.

"We did a mission for them, moving everything they possessed from one location to another (in Afghanistan)," Allen said. "We did it in a timely and orderly fashion, and they asked if they could do something for us.

"I asked for a flag."

The flag that took the helicopter ride is one of three he brought back from his 365-day tour of duty overseas.

On March 9, Allen himself raised the flag outside the Harrisburg American Legion, where he is a member. It will fly there for as long as it remains in good condition - Allen is hoping it will last 6 to 9 months. When it is retired, it will be placed in a flag case and mounted inside the Legion hall.

Allen, an eight-year U.S. Army reservist, signed up for military service while a junior in high school. He left for basic training in 2005 right after his graduation.

When his unit got called up, they had to undergo training, first at Fort Bliss in Texas, and then to Milwaukee. Then they flew to Germany, then Kurdistand and finally Afghanistan.

Allen was in country for a year - April 20, 2011 to April 20, 2012 - a diesel mechanic who was part of the #236 Inland Cargo Transport Company. The unit controlled central receiving and shipping for everything that came into Afghanistan or left it. He served at two different transit centers over 365 days.

When he returned to the States he continued life as a diesel mechanic.

He was talking recently with a friend of his aunt's who also belongs to the Harrisburg American Legion, when the story of the flag came up. There was interest in it at the Legion, and Drew Allen was willing to donate it, fully expecting it would have a place of honor inside the hall.

"But they asked me if I minded if it was flown," Allen said. "Absolutely not!

"That's the purpose of the American flag," he said. "It is fulfilling its duty."

Once Allen's flag is too weather-beaten to continue, it will be brought inside the Legion Hall and framed.

"It's very humbling, very honoring," Allen said.

Many local friends and family came to the Harrisburg Legion Post along with law enforcement officers, to support this special heartfelt event on Wednesday night.

Allen dedicated his own honored flag for all the veterans in his hometown to remind us of honor, loyalty for his country, and what is in the hearts of American veterans today.

Marsha Shull photoAndrew Allen raises his own flag over the Harrisburg American Legion.