
Chamber Business of the Month: Morton Buildings Inc.

The Chester Chamber of Commerce has named Morton Buildings, Inc., the Business of the Month for January 2022.

Located at 2807 State Street, the business has operated at its present location since 1985 but had a presence in Chester prior to that time. They specialize in post frame construction, including but not limited to homes, utility buildings, churches, fire stations, etc.

Morton Buildings, Inc. has offices throughout the United States.

Locally the business has six employees, including Construction Center Administrator Natalie Long. The manager, Doug Whiting, works out of the Jacksonville, IL office. The CEO is John Russell.

The Chester office of Morton Buildings, Inc. is open 8 a.m. to noon and 1 to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday.

"We're really pleased to recognize this longtime Chester businesses," said Chamber President Bob Welker.