
Christ Our Savior Lutheran High School receives accreditation from NLSA

</element><element id="paragraph-1" type="body"><![CDATA[Christ Our Savior Lutheran High School recently received seven more years accreditation from the National Lutheran School Accreditation Commission.

What is Lutheran School Accreditation? Lutheran School Accreditation is a process of self-evaluation followed by a visit of objective observers to help Lutheran schools improve the quality of their programs.

It is a completely voluntary process which is available for every school operated by one or more congregations of the Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod. National Lutheran School Accreditation (NLSA) is a national, rigorous accrediting process designed to evaluate schools on the basis of their unique purposes as Lutheran schools.

It helps schools evaluate not only their academic quality, but especially the spiritual dimension of the school.

NLSA is supervised by the National Accreditation Commission made up of representatives from the various participating Districts of The Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod.

The process has been authorized and approved by the Board for Parish Services of the Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod.