
State Sen. Fowler pushes bill to stabilize Du Quoin State Fair

A state Senate bill that calls for financial stability for the Du Quoin State Fair has passed the Illinois State Senate and now heads to the Illinois House for consideration.

According to state Sen. Dale Fowler of Harrisburg, a chief co-sponsor of the bill, the legislation would ensure that income from the Du Quoin State Fair will be placed into the appropriate fund to ensure financial stability for years ahead.

Senate Bill 3482 would provide uniformity between the Illinois State Fair and Du Quoin State Fair, he said in a news release. At present, funds from the Du Quoin State Fair are distributed into the Agriculture Premium Fund, the same fund from which county fair funds are distributed. This bill commits the Department of Agriculture to have Du Quoin State Fair income placed in the Illinois State Fair Fund.

"The Du Quoin State Fair, which will mark its 100th birthday next summer, is rich in tradition and a huge asset to the southern Illinois region," Fowler said in a news release.

"To ensure future success and financial stability for this fair, it is important that we recognize that this state fair is equally important as the Illinois State Fair in Springfield. Both fairs have a tremendous impact on Illinois' economy, bringing millions of dollars and thousands of people through the gates each year."

SB 3482 passed the state Senate with bipartisan support.