
Mayor Alongi: Not going to shut the town down during surge; asks Du Quoin residents to 'be smart, be safe'

Du Quoin Mayor Guy Alongi said Thursday that as the COVID-19 virus once again surges in southern Illinois, he has no intention of calling for businesses to be closed or taking other drastic measures.

Alongi said he is asking only that Du Quoin residents and business owners act responsibly; and says each person can decide for themselves what responsibility looks like.

"I'm not going to put ordinances in place to curtail people from doing things," the mayor said. "People have to pick and choose their own poison," he added, meaning that everyone can decide which risks are worth taking and which ones aren't.

"They can either ignore all the guidelines and take the chance of getting the virus, or follow the guidelines and have a more minimal risk of getting the virus," Alongi said. With the omicron variant, he added, "I don't think you can avoid the virus at all. Be smart, be safe."

Alongi said he believes local businesses and restaurants are doing their best to keep people safe.

"I've been into Walmart and I've seen maybe 65%-70% of people there wearing masks," he said. "It seems like in this last week I'm seeing more masks than in the past."

Du Quoin City Hall remains open for bill-paying, but Alongi said the city and its employees have to be careful.

"As an elected official I have to look at what is best for our employees and what's best for the public," he said. "There are so many moving parts to keep a city going ... Those are the things that keep me awake at night."

Alongi has ordered that each city department can determine its own protocols, but when an employee visits a department not his/her own they have to mask up to minimize the risk.

"When you are a public entity, you supply service," Alongi said. "When those people get sick there's no backup."

Du Quoin has 11 sworn police officers, and at one time last week three of them tested positive, nearly a third of the department. Currently, an auxilliary police officer is seriously ill and on a ventilator at a St. Louis hospital.

One firefighter also has tested positive. The city's water department has so far been spared, but, "there are only four employees there," Alongi said. "What would we do if they all got sick?"

Alongi himself is staying out of City Hall and working daily from his home, unless something specific requires him to head downtown. He fears that if he were to be exposed to COVID it would be dangerous to his 90-year-old mother, for whom he and his wife, Rose, are the only caregivers.

"If Rose or I get sick, there's no one to take care of her," Alongi said. This is where he draws his own personal line of responsibility. "My family comes first."

Alongi says it's a shame the vaccines are so politicized. He said he gets frustrated with federal, state and local guidance (or lack of it), but believes overall people are trying to do their best.

"We're two years into this pandemic and it's still here. We have vaccines that may not eliminate the virus, but it's something that helps," he said. "This is science - we've come a long way, but even scientists are learning as they go."

Perry County at a glance

Case rate per 100k: 1,649.45

% Positivity, last 7 days: 15.72%

% Change (last 7 days) +4.06

New cases, Jan. 6-13: 433

0-4 years: 17

5-11 years: 36

12-17 years: 43

18-64 years: 299

65+ years: 38

Deaths: Seven additional deaths between Jan. 6 and 13: One person in their 50s; two in their 60s; three in their 70s; and one in their 80s.

Source: Perry County Health Department and the CDC COVID Tracker website; both as of Thursday, Jan. 13.