
Preceptor Alpha prepares for October pecan sales

A Beginning Day dinner was held outside at the home of Johanna Tolbert in September due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The new officers served a meal of chicken salad croissants, pretzel salad, veggie tray, chips & dip, and beef and dill pickle dip with crackers.

Prior to the start of the meeting new sheets for the year were distributed for the chapter program booklets. Also, a thoughtful and timely gift of face masks made of candy corn material sewn by Rose Alongi were given to members. After dinner President Johanna Tolbert called the meeting to order with opening ritual being recited. Fifteen members were present with Barb Croessman attending via Zoom. The minutes from the June meeting were read and approved.

Communication included thank you cards from Gary and Barbara Brock, and Past President Joyce Schimpf.

Treasurer April Kremer presented the balance in the treasury and reported for the Ways and Means committee that 50 cases of pecans have been ordered and expected delivery is the week of Oct. 5. The pecans will be sold for $10 per pound bag and anyone interested in purchasing pecans can contact any chapter member.

Service Committee donations were tabled at this time and will be revisited at the October meeting.

Scrapbook Chairman Barbara Brock was actively taking pictures for the scrapbook.

Fall Social Chairman Toni Haner reported that her committee is planning a wiener roast on Sunday, Oct. 18, weather permitting. Also, the Thanksgiving meal will be catered with the menu and price to be forthcoming.

Members were reminded to submit any changes or additions to their personal sheets as none had been received prior to the meeting. Following the closing ritual a gift exchange was held to reveal Secret Sisters and new Secret Sisters were drawn.

To end the evening, fruit pizza was served to Barbara Brock, Sharon Childs, Priscilla Craig, Nora Fann, Toni Haner, Judy Kaufman, April Kremer, Mary Riggio, Joyce Schimpf, Linda Searby, Donna Secrist, Linda Sherman, Kathy Smith and Johanna Tolbert.

The next meeting will be held on Oct. 14 at the home of Judy Kaufman.