
Rash of Car Burglaries During Holidays

</element><element id="paragraph-1" type="body"><![CDATA[ The message from assistant Du Quoin Chief of Police Jamie Ellermeyer is clear.

Park your car in the garage or carport, lock it up, try and keep your car in a lighted area, and don't keep anything of value inside.

A car burglar or burglar is hitting Du Quoin's north side neighborhood hard," said Ellermeyer.

Police are investigating one car burglary on North Vine Street where 30 presents were stolen from a vehicle at around 9 p.m. on Christmas eve.

On Thursday night, another car was hit by a burglar in the same vicinity. This time, a stereo system valued at well over $1,000 was taken. These follow the theft of a Polaris four-wheeler on Hickory Street, which has since been recovered.

Ellermeyer says vehicle burglaries have dropped from between 75 and 100 several years ago to fewer than 35 last year and only 17 or 18 this year. If you have any information, call police at 542-2133