
'Run for the Fallen'

</element><element id="paragraph-1" type="body"><![CDATA[ "Run for the Fallen" is a dedicated team of runners who are running across America in honor of those who have fallen during Operation Iraqi Freedom. The run was created by Jon Bellano whose best friend was killed in Iraq two years ago.

Every mile in this memorial run will be dedicated to a fallen soldier and marked with an American flag and personalized card.

The flag and marker for Lance Corporal Drew Uhles of Du Quoin, who was killed in Iraq September 15, 2004, was erected along U.S. Rt. 491/666 in Utah. The flag and marker for Wyatt Eisenhauer of Pinckneyville, who was killed in Iraq May 19, 3005, was erected in Texas.

These dedication markers will create a memorial trail across the United States, which will allow the memorial to connect with towns and citizens and propagate the memories and lives of those who fought in Iraq in honor off the soldier.

The run will raise awareness about the lives of those who fought, to activate their memories and keep their spirits alive.

The run began on June 14, 2008 from Ft. Irwin, California--on Flag Day--and will end on August 24, 2008 at Arlington National Cemetery. The runners will leave Nashville, Ill. n Wednesday, July 30, going through Pinckneyvlle at approximately 9 a.m. and running through Du Quoin at approximately 11 a.m. with a police escort.

The public is encouraged to welcome the runners as they come into Du Quoin from the west on Main Street and head south on Washington Street.

Please be patient if they have not arrived at exactly 11 a.m. and stay to greet them.