
New Fishing and Use Rules at City Lake

</element><element id="paragraph-1" type="body"><![CDATA[ The Du Quoin City Council gave its tentative approval to modest changes in fishing policies at the Du Quoin City Lake that include new creel limits, allowing five fish under 14 and the taking of only one bas 18 inches or longer. The council also wants boats in the same tournament to be clearly marked or flagged.

The new rules are contained in a joint agreement between the City of Du Quoin and the Illinois Department of Natural Resources. The changes will be subject to a final vote at the next meeting of council.

Addressing the council on behalf of bass fishermen were Joe Swallers and Jerry Williams, who said outdoorsmen, the city, and the Du Quoin lake association share a tremendous sense of cooperation and they want that to continue.

In summary, the new rules say the following:

Any person fishing or hunting upon lake premises or using boats thereon shall use the same at their own peril, and the city shall not be responsible for any accidents upon the lake or lands adjacent thereto.

All persons fishing are limited to pole and line fishing only as defined in the Illinois Fishing Regulations and shall be limited to daily possession of the following:

No more than 5 largemouth bass below the length of 14 inches and 1 bass 18 inches or longer; no possession of a largemouth bass shall be permitted in the protected slot length limit of 14 inches to 18 inches.

Panfish are divided in to two regulations;

Bluegill or Redear Sunfish -- 25 daily creel limit.

White, Black or Hybrid Crappie -- 25 daily creel limit

No more than 6 channel catfish per person per day regardless of size.

Fishing tournaments/competitions held at the Du Quoin City Lake per &#223; 95.09 shall NOT be exempt from the limits as defined by (A) (1), (2), and (3). A tournament angler must follow the posted fishing regulations with no special exemptions.

Fishing while wading is prohibited.

No other limits in size or number of other species of fish shall be created without the consent of the city council. Persons fishing on the Du Quoin City Lake are strongly encouraged to consider and apply good conservation practices such as "Catch and Release" in making decisions regarding keeping fish of all species.

Anyone violating the provisions of &#223; 95.06 shall, upon conviction, be fined according to the State of Illinois penalty for each fish taken in excess of the size and/or possession limits.

No boat, canoe, or other watercraft utilizing the Du Quoin City Lake for any reason shall be propelled by a motor exceeding 10 horsepower as originally rated by the manufacturer at the time of production of the motor. Operators of watercraft being propelled by motors of 10 horsepower or less, but which carry motors rated at greater than ten horsepower shall prior to operation of the watercraft on the lake disconnect the large motor from its fuel sources.

Owners of shoreline property at the Du Quoin City Lake with watercraft carrying motors in excess of ten horsepower at time of passage of this section shall be permitted to continue use of non-conforming motors for as long as they own the property. Furthermore, these property owners are granted the right to replace such motors with new or used motors provided the replacement motors do not exceed the horsepower of the original motor. The right to continue this non-conformance in the event of the sale of the property shall transfer to the new owner only if the boat and motor are made part of the sale. Owners of newly acquired property absent the boat and motor shall be held to the ten horsepower standard.

All boat motors of shoreline property owners must be registered with the City. Registrants shall keep a copy of the registration

Permits issued under this section do not authorize permit holders to operate their watercraft in an unsafe or reckless manner. The city reserves the right to revoke permits issued for this purpose should permit holders operate boats with non-conforming motors in an unsafe manner.

Racing of watercraft is prohibited.

Tournaments and other competitions held at the Du Quoin City Lake shall be limited to no more than one competition per day and no more than three days in any week. Officials of such competitions shall make reservations with the City Clerk on a first-come, first-served basis.

A fee of $25 per day of competition shall be payable to the city at the time of the reservation. Revenues generated from this fee shall be used for the purpose of Du Quoin City Lake fishery and/or facility improvement.

Organizations and/or individuals sponsoring such competitions shall bear full responsibility for clean-up and maintenance. Clubs, groups, or organizations sponsoring fishing tournaments that violate city ordinances related to use of the lake may, at the discretion of the City Council, be banned from use of the lake for tournament purposes for a period of up to three years.

All tournament boats must be identifiable by the use of visible flagging or any other means so as to identify the boat as a tournament competitor.

In order to reduce shoreline erosion and protect property in residential areas of the lake, bays and necks so designated with buoys shall be declared "No Wake Zones." Watercraft operating in these areas shall not generate any wakes or other surface disturbances.

Swimming in Lake Du Quoin is prohibited. Water skiing, boarding, or riding of inflatable devices towed by watercraft, is prohibited.

Effective upon passage of this section, no hunting shall be permitted from blinds built on the waters of Lake Du Quoin. No permanent blinds or other concealments shall be built upon Lake Du Quoin for any purpose.

Only waterfowl hunting during state-defined seasons shall be permitted upon the waters of Lake Du Quoin, and then only from boats that meet the limitations of this chapter. Hunting from boats shall not occur within 100 yards of occupied residences. No stakes, pole, posts, pipes, or other permanent anchorages shall be placed into the lake for purposes of securing boat blinds.

Decoys used for waterfowl hunting on the waters of Lake Du Quoin shall be retrieved at the conclusion of each hunt. Decoys shall not remain in the water overnight.

During waterfowl season, as defined by annual State and Federal guidelines, boat motor horsepower limits shall be waived. All operators of motorized boats shall adhere to "No Wake."