
Fines Increase For Repeat Abusers of Disability Parking Program June 1

</element><element id="paragraph-1" type="body"><![CDATA[ Secretary of State Jesse White alerted drivers that as of June l people who repeatedly violate the disability parking prograrn would face increased fines of up to $1,000.

White initiated the new law (PA 95-0430) which says those caught using disability parking placards or disability license plates to park illegally in spaces for people with disabilities will face fines of $750 for their second offense and $1,000 for their third or subsequent offense.

Violators may also have his or her driving privileges, as well as the disability license plates or placard, suspended or revoked.

"It is unbelievable that people without disabilities would time and time again abuse this important program and take parking spaces reserved for people with disabilities," White said. "The increased fines and suspensions will send a message that if you continue to violate the program you will pay the price financially as well as


The law also clarifies that placards are not transferable and the authorized holder must be present entering or exiting the vehicle at the time the privileges are being used.

The law also allows for 50 percent of each fine collected to be distributed to the law enforcement agency or agencies that issued the citation or made the arrest, including the Secretary of State's Department of Police. Half of that fine will go into the

Secretary of State Police Services Fund.

The previous fine was $500 and did not increase regardless of the number of offenses.

There are currently over 560,000 perrnanent disability placards and over 113,000 disability plates in use in Illinois.