
Judy Crain appointed new Trustee for Percy

</element><element id="paragraph-1" type="body"><![CDATA["I want to help the village with my experience of politics," added Crain.

Crain has lived on Percy for the last 2 1/2 years. She has lived in Sparta for over 40 years before moving to Percy where she sat on the Sparta City Council as Commissioner Finance and worked with the Sparta housing authority. In Percy, she has helped Mayor Dale Yates and the Percy Fire Department develop the Neighborhood Watch Program.

Crain states, "it's going to be learning experience for me with my new job title of Streets and Allies, but I am willing to learn and have the time now in my life to learn new things."

After Crain was sworn in, the board got down to business approving a payment to A and R Excavating for work done on Plum Street. Maintenance Supervisor Mark Hartman notified the board that clean up and testing are the remaining things left before completion.

The Levee Ordinance was tabled for next months meeting. It was tabled until the get the right code number before being approved.

Approval was made to donate $200.00 to the Steeleville Senior Center.

An approval was made to the Larrell Frazer property for the purchase of a manhole and an additional 20 feet extension.

The board approved Egyptian Internet to begin work to install fiber optic lines. Concerns were made by Mark Hartman, Percy's Maintenance Supervisor, that "I don't want to the city liable for any damages the Egyptian may cause when installing the lines, such as a water main break." The approval will be finalized with an attorney amendment made to the easement on liabilities for both parties.

The discussion on wether to approve the use of golf carts as means of transportation throughout town as a way to help in the fight against rising cost of gas prices by the board was tabled until next month's meeting until more feedback can be given from Percy residents. Concerns where that regulations would have to be made on driver usage such as age limits. They also would have to look into State and local registration of the carts. Safety features may also have to be made for road use.

The board opened the floor to attending residents. Maintenance worker Troy Bogenpohl asked that the board check into to getting him health care insurance. The board noted that they will look into it.

Bill and Diane Becker asked that the board check into the structural supports of the property at 107 2nd Street. The property is "falling apart" as stated by Bill Becker. Glass is all over the place and are asking the board if there is anything the village can do about it. The village said they would check into it.

The board went into executive session to discuss personnel and possible litigation. Once reconvened, the board had approved to accept George Crouch as part-time Police Officer for the village of Percy at a rate of $10.00 an hour. Crouch is a full-time Police Officer with the Sparta Police Department.